In Darcy's Debt

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“When last we spoke, I was the object of your affection, despite your strongly held opinion of my ‘inferiority.’ Marriage to me was—oh, what was that delightful way you put it?—a ‘degradation?’”

“I beg you, do not repeat to me what I said then.” His words had been his constant tormentor these past weeks. “It would not be a degradation to marry you, Miss Bennet. It would be a gift.”

Based on the classic novel by Jane Austen, a story that asks: what if Darcy’s letter to Elizabeth had fallen into the wrong hands?

Elizabeth Bennet refused the impulsive proposal of Mr. Darcy. Not just refused—she attacked him, laying at his feet all she holds against him, from his role in separating his friend from her sister to his monstrous treatment of Mr. Wickham. But Darcy will not let such charges stand without a response. In an impassioned letter, he explains everything, despite the impropriety of writing to a lady to whom he is not engaged, and heedless of the sensitive information he relays.

The letter does reach its intended recipient, throwing Elizabeth’s feelings into further disarray. Has she misjudged her admirer? Has she misjudged herself? But she is not given leave to work out the nature of her change of heart, for soon enough, the letter’s existence become known, and Elizabeth finds her reputation and standing in the community is on the chopping block.

Only one man can save her now… but even if he once believed himself in love with her, she knows he could never forgive her for her harsh words. All she knows is that her future lies…


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